As fans we're very passionate about our teams. When they win we are on top of the world, when they lose we're depressed, angry and difficult to deal with for a little while. As much as I think the product of college football is better than the NFL I can honestly say that I NEVER get this emotionally involved with my Cal Bears, although I still hate Texas and Mack Brown for what they did to us through whining like a little bitch back in 2005. Aside from that single incident nothing in sports moves me more than the New York Giants every time they line up to play. As a fan I know and accept that they won't be the best team every year and that they won't win every game. (Ask the Braves how that helps with fan interest)
Side note: Just watched Manningham trip over himself and blow a sure touchdown. This will tie in directly to my rant.
Historically we, as fans, had zero ability to communicate with players and teams. Our pleasure or displeasure was seen only through attendance and calls to radio shows. No guarantee that the team would ever hear or see it beyond its affect on the bottom line. Not a good system.
Enter Twitter. It has singlehandedly changed with way that fans communicate with players AND teams! On my twitter account I follow the likes of Michael Strahan, Terrell Thomas, Steve Smith (gone but never forgotten) and two different accounts that are controlled and run by the New York Giants themselves. Even better, one account is owned by the Vice President of Communications for the Giants, Pat Hanlon. The good news, for fans, is that every time the Giants DO NOT convert a 3rd down I get to let the team know my displeasure at letting Steve Smith go. I can do things like this “@Giants psst... 1 for 17 on 3rd down THIS YEAR! STEVESMITHSTEVESMITHSTEVESMITH.”
Why do I do this? Well, first off I'm an asshole. I'm also a very passionate and angry fan. My friend Bill and I emailed back and forth all off season talking about which players should the Giants keep, who did we think they could afford to lose, what about the draft... You get the point. The name he I threw around ALL the time, especially as training camp was about to start, was the name of Steve Smith. Smith was not the fastest, the tallest or the best receiver the giants had. What he was was a great slot receiver that was reliable on 3rd downs. He got open, he went over the middle and he made the catch. There was never a question on important 3rd downs who was gonna get the ball, we knew. Eli finds Smith, Smith makes the grab and its 1st down Giants. I can understand not wanting to overpay for a guy coming off a serious knee operation, I really can. What I can't understand is letting such a solid player go to a divisional rival WITHOUT EVEN OFFERING HIM A CONTRACT. After he signed with Philly the Giants claimed they were never given the chance to match the Eagles offer. Really? So all off season and once the CBA was settled NOBODY in your front office thought “Hey, if we don't resign Smith who's gonna be the go-to 3rd down guy?” Oh yeah, nobody! Unacceptable. Even worse that you lose two impact players to divisional teams, with Barry Cofield being the second.
That is also the bad side to twitter. It allows me to send tweets to @giantspathanlon and remind him every day (multiple times when we can't convert a 3rd time) that they let a solid player go to a divisional rival. I've become “that guy.” I won't apologize though and I'm eagerly awaiting the time when @giants or @giantspathanlon decide to respond to my constant and accusatory tweets. I suppose for the Giants its better than being the Bengals and having fans that don't give a crap, right?
Halftime just finished and the Giants are up 21-6. I'm angry, my wife has sent me to the room to watch the game and so far my tweets are unanswered. If you need me I'll be berating the giants on twitter every time they can't convert on 3rd down. Go Blue!